RIP Caboose
As is nature's want, sometimes our smallest creatures are our most delicate.
And so it was with Caboose who died sometime this afternoon. She was unwell yesterday and a little worse this morning, so I placed the heater in the room and scattered seed on the floor of her cage as well as some water in a bottle lid.
She ate a little, drank a little, and even took time to push her ping pong ball for a moment. I sent Rachel a text to say "She looks a little better!"
Rachel came home at 4pm to find her cold little body on the floor of her cage, feet to the sky.
We're going to bury her in the park next to the gum tree she visited once (and sat in!). It's also the tree where I used to pick a small branch of leaves she loved to chew on.
Rest in Peace ya little bitey bugger.

Labels: housekeeping, Rachel, thomasrdotorg

poor cabouse,
does it mean that too much of a good thing will kill you
It was an OD of broccoli that killed her (she got diarrhea from eating too much of it, then dehydrated, then died), so yeah I guess good things can kill you!
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