The Live Lounge - a live music compilation [torrent]
In the late 90s I was at Monash Uni, arsing my way through an Arts degree.
To download the full version visit
Check out for the torrent page.
While there I was on the committee (and later chair of) Radio 3MU- Monash Uni's student radio. Back then we were on 95.7FM.
While chair, I proposed and built a ''proper'' recording studio. To get the studio going, and to train students, we debuted a show called ''The Live Lounge''. Every week we had a band play live.
I've just created a Torrent of the first (and ONLY) CD we produced from those sessions. In time I will torrent up the other (latter) performances.
Here's what we got:
- Southcity- ''Celeb Meyer''
- Pornland- ''Wacca Wacca Disco''
- Couch Grinder- ''Visit''
- Matt Handley- ''Brittle Then Broken''
- CW Stoneking & The Bluetits - ''Beedle Um Bum''
- Loin Groin- ''Big Balls''
- Shonytonk- ''Shonkytonkin'''
- Davey Lane- ''I Know''
- Vent- ''Insomnicide''
- Symbiosis ''Seein' You''
- The Surrogate- ''Noosa''
- No Idea ''Just Another Song''
- Secret track/compilation.
To download the full version visit
Check out for the torrent page.
Or this direct torrent link if you wish
Please download AND SEED!Labels: music, thomasrdotorg

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