8 in a series of 14

Step 8/ Comment: "NO YOU CAN'T PUT ON ANY FUCKING DIDO- LET IT GO!". Damn she's lazy and easily distracted with thoughts of crappy English singers.
While the foyer has started, it is, frankly, piss-fucking-poor. It's hanging off a single pole wilting like the national flag of Greenland (I assume this is a green flag, I also assume that the folk their have some sort of sovereignty and bicameral, or similar, system and on top of that have a flag that reflects the name if not the colour of their country. This may prove a moot point as I'm told Greenland is ice and Iceland is Green. So let's imagine the tarp is the Icelandic flag, which once again would have to be green. Ahh fuckit, let's pretend it's the Irish flag- but without the orange and white bits.) SO GET TO WORK AND GET THE FOYER DONE!
Wow, this is taking a long time... and I am getting thirsty.

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