The Dilbert Blog: Steroid Commercial
I rather enjoy the RSS feed of Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame)blog.
I am nerdy. Very nerdy. Let's geddoverit.
Anyhoo, I really enjoyed this post about steroids- especially this quote:
The Dilbert Blog: Steroid Commercial:
I am nerdy. Very nerdy. Let's geddoverit.
Anyhoo, I really enjoyed this post about steroids- especially this quote:
The Dilbert Blog: Steroid Commercial:
"How happy are the guys who sell illegal steroids? You can't buy that kind of advertisement. And it sure makes it harder for the just-say-no people. "Kids, don't do steroids. If you do, you might become the fastest man in the world and have so much poontang and money that...I forget my point.""

thanks for that... had a good laugh!
Or as seen in the comments:
Silicone Implants for the boys eh? I can see this getting out of control with ever larger implants until one day:
click here
You end up with your own beanbag to sit on wherever you go...
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