Holiday snaps...
The holidays are done and dusted. Booooo!
This be what happened:
I'm curious about this parking sign. It's in the car park behind Acland st and I don't quite get it. I'm all for helping those in the community who are disadvantaged, but in a major shopping zone? Hell if you have $100 for a t-shirt in and Acland st shop, then you have $4 for the meter.
This is what happens when you try to keep up with an Oz Superbike champion. By keep up I mean "be as stupid". We walked the last two holes.
New Year's eve at Matty's place. Yeah, I can drunk boogie with the best (or worst) of them..
Rachel and 1st cousin, once removed, Ella. Gorgeous. We just wish we were seeing her in happier circumstances.
My late Godfather Greg Armstrong gave my mother a rosebush when my sister died some eight years ago. This is the best rose we've yet seen from it.

Rachel's brother James got a kitten for his birthday. Kitty's mad skillz insofar as Christmas tree climbing are fully mad. Sorry, what I meant to say was "the kitten is extremely talented at climbing fake trees"
This be what happened:

Rachel's brother James got a kitten for his birthday. Kitty's mad skillz insofar as Christmas tree climbing are fully mad. Sorry, what I meant to say was "the kitten is extremely talented at climbing fake trees"

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