"Trainspotting" author says his wild days are over
"Trainspotting" author says his wild days are over:
Say it ain't so!!
For those of you who have not yet read "Trainspotting" (I'm looking at YOU Jake!) then fer chrissake ye needs ta gettit intaya!
It's a tough read- at first- but by the end you should have a rich Scottish Brogue (you may need to read parts of it out loud for it to make sense) that will fool Mel Gibson.
Whatever that means...
"Scottish author Irvine Welsh, best known for the gritty Edinburgh novel 'Trainspotting,' poses at the Algonquin Hotel in New York, August 14, 2006. Welsh's latest book is another tale of vicious characters made worse by alcohol and drugs but the bad boy of Scottish literature says his own wild days are over."
Say it ain't so!!
For those of you who have not yet read "Trainspotting" (I'm looking at YOU Jake!) then fer chrissake ye needs ta gettit intaya!
It's a tough read- at first- but by the end you should have a rich Scottish Brogue (you may need to read parts of it out loud for it to make sense) that will fool Mel Gibson.
Whatever that means...

Don't hate me, but i haven't read it either. It's one of those ones i always "mean to" read, but never get around to. *runs away*
well, get to it Steph.
It's really hard work at first:
"The sweat wis lashing oafay Sick Boy; he wis trembling. Ah wis jist sitting thair, focusing oan the telly, tryin no tae notice the cunt. He wis bringing me doon. Ah tried to keep ma attention oan the jean-Claude Van Damme video"
..and that's the opening paragraph.
good luck!!
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