Everywhere I go...
For reasons I cannot explain, I have found myself listening to Royksopp's "Remind Me" over and over ever since I got the new Ministry of Sound- Chillout 5 double CD. I liked the faster, dancier mix on last years Dance Annual, but there's something about the simplistic Chillout version:
It's only been a weekI think it's the mark of a great lyricist when you can get the listener involved and get them to feel something even if they have not missed anything in England ever...
The rush of being home and rapid fading
Failing to recall
What I was missing all that time in England
Has sent me aimlesslyDespite my prediliction for ruthless research, I have chosen not to do the research on Royksopp- but I'm pretty sure they are Scandanavians of some description. Given that English is not their first language, I find these lyrics to be beautifully wrong
On foot or by the help of transportation
To knock on windows where
A friend no longer live, I had forgotten
..and everywhere I goI think this chorus (?!?) really seals the deal. It's just a beautifully evocative sentiment. I find myself humming and singing these lines often lately. I must have some longing that I cannot quite put my finger on.
There's always something to remind me
Of another place and time
Where love that travelled far had found me
We stayed outside till twoNot sure about the last pair of lines. Is it a reference to domestic violence? IS it sexist in some way? Is it the Truth?
Waiting for the light to come back
we didn't talk I knew
Until you asked what I was thinking
Until you asked what I was thinking
Brave men tell the truth
The wise man's tools are analogies and puzzles
A woman holds her tongue
Knowing silence will speak for her
...and everywhere I go*sigh* Just great.
There's always something to remind me
Of another place and time
Where love that travelled far had found me

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