Musings on a Wednesday
I'm posting via my new Gmail account,
Yes, I've finally accepted one of the many Gmail invites sent to me of late. Two and a half gigs of storage sounded great. The interface is pretty intuitive- probably notso great for the technically competent (too many "set in our ways" issues), but probably fantastic for the novice or first time user.
I'm off to the F1s tomorrow thru Sunday.
The circus is in town again- just a week after the Commonwelath games closed. I've got a few articles on the go for this event- though if F1 is a circus, I'm only reporting on sideshow alley!
I'm doing stuff on:
1/ Shawn Giles. Oz superbike multi time champion. He's in a tin top racing for the first time. Look out! [video story]
2/ Carey Hart. Freestyle MXer and racer, he's probably more famous for marring pop star Pink. Not in my world, I still remember seeing his world first back flip in competition and his (and the crowd's) reaction afterward. Incredible. I suspect he'll win... or crash. Or crash while winning. [article and video story]
3/ Allan Morrisson. My top pick for Australian (road) stunt rider. He's got an arsenal of stunts and moves, a new Kawasaki 636 and he'll be carrying my helmet/bike cam. [article and video story]
Friday is the best day IMHO- lots of racing and qualifying and smallest crowd.
My workmate doesn't know who I am
I'm saving a Big Telecommunications company from themselves. Sort of. That's not the issue- the guy next to me is part human, part goldfish. Lovely bloke, but everyday he asks me my name and then says "I'm hopeless with names" Ohhh that gets my goat. Am I that insignificant/unimpressive that I can't get ONE GUY who sits next to me ALL FREAKING DAY to remember my name? I even wrote my name on a yellow post it note with an arrow pointing towards me. He saw it and tried to work out if it was a reminder to himself. Kerrrist.

You rock, man!
Thanks so much!
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