Bikes... more bikes.
Miss Waysel wanted to show the other girls on night shift some bike pics (Coz She's TUFF ENUFF!)
Here we go:
HER (actually MY) Cagiva Mito 125 SOLD!
A thoroughbred racing machine, the itty bitty 125 Two stroke could put a lot of other bikes to shame- and regularly did. It was Rachel's first "gears and clutch" bike- and with a really twitchy engine and 7 gears, it was a tough learning curve. Looking at this photo, one thing is clear- it's love!

My Triumph Speed Triple Still got!
I mean really folks- have you ever seen anything mechanical be this sexy? Really?! It's 955cc's of British perfection. It's like Jordan with class, the Spice girls with talent, like... errr... Ok- this is the ONLY sexy thing to come out of the UK - ever.

In the pits @ Phillip Island
MY (actually this really is Rachel's)BMW R1100GS- The Bavarian Tractor. Still got it!
What you see below is perhaps the greatest bike ever made. Ask any motocyclist you know and they'll reluctantly agree. I mean what bike can go round corners like a sports bike, do 0-100 in 4 seconds, go round Oz, go 220 km/h fully loaded (on The unlimited speed highwaysof the NT!) go through mud, sand, water, snow and so on happily with 40 kilos of luggage and two people and only break down once with a minor issue? A BMW GS bike that's fuggin what!!
Here we go:
HER (actually MY) Cagiva Mito 125 SOLD!
A thoroughbred racing machine, the itty bitty 125 Two stroke could put a lot of other bikes to shame- and regularly did. It was Rachel's first "gears and clutch" bike- and with a really twitchy engine and 7 gears, it was a tough learning curve. Looking at this photo, one thing is clear- it's love!

My Triumph Speed Triple Still got!
I mean really folks- have you ever seen anything mechanical be this sexy? Really?! It's 955cc's of British perfection. It's like Jordan with class, the Spice girls with talent, like... errr... Ok- this is the ONLY sexy thing to come out of the UK - ever.
In the pits @ Phillip Island
MY (actually this really is Rachel's)BMW R1100GS- The Bavarian Tractor. Still got it!
What you see below is perhaps the greatest bike ever made. Ask any motocyclist you know and they'll reluctantly agree. I mean what bike can go round corners like a sports bike, do 0-100 in 4 seconds, go round Oz, go 220 km/h fully loaded (on The unlimited speed highwaysof the NT!) go through mud, sand, water, snow and so on happily with 40 kilos of luggage and two people and only break down once with a minor issue? A BMW GS bike that's fuggin what!!

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