I'm back in a big way, I think. Well, sort of. OK I have full time web access again
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I'm back in a big way, I think. Well, sort of. OK I have full time web access again
HOORAY!! Thursday, August 12, 2004The Katz's MeowDanny Katz is one funny bugger- Rachel and I always delight in reading his regular Thursday column in The Age. This week, it's no different. This morning, he's talking about the Olympics, and Equestrian in particular: Now I have to be honest here, I'm not crazy about horses: I had a bad experience with a horse when I was a kid - I don't want to go into it right now, only to say it involved patting a horse on the leg, and then finding out the leg wasn't a leg. Nice.Read the whole article |