- Discussions .
I like to post on it is a real music site- populated with mostly fellow minded Melbourne music fans. Few wankers of course darlings, but what chat.discussion site doesn't have that??
Angry young... brother
Speaking of music, Little bro Stevie Rey has been getting rather active and uppity lately- sending in letters to (email, natch) to various organisations and bodies. He's really fired up- so unlike the young man:
Here's his art rant:
"I am perplexed by the policy of the NGV. With $10 in hand, I was all set to pay for the special exhibition of Charles Condor's work at the Ian Potter Centre, Federation Square. The familiar 'rules and conditions' board had an amendment. In bold black type read 'NO SKETCHING'. As a very keen painter with scant formal training, the opportunity to sketch the work of great painters is a vital part of my creative education. So too for most painters, I believe. As sketching is permitted elsewhere in the gallery, I couldn't imagine that my sketches could have an adverse economic effect on the show. "...the Condor show? It's great, but don't bother paying to see it. I made some sketches. See!" My enquiries were sent downstairs to the information booth, where I was told that 'blockbuster' shows were under a different insurance policy, underwritten by the state government and requiring increased security. Hmmmm. I had already been assured upstairs that although sketching was not permitted, note-taking was. I pondered at which point a note-taker became a sketcher, a point at which one obviously turns from a committed artist to a defiling, dangerous threat to art. This is a serious policy, enforced by security, and seems to be deliberately targeting the very people the gallery purports to nurture."
And then Senator Julian McGauran in the Herald Sun pissed him off (not that I read the HS anyway). Seems the Senator said something about cracking down on drug pushers- which he knows FA about and Stevie works in rehab- so he can tell the Senator where to get off with some authority:
"What a predictably out of touch, inflammatory and misguided attitude by our National Party parliamentarian (Julian McGauran, 24/9/3). Straight from the holster of 1950's Howard-esque social policy, the schoolboy portrayal of 'evil empires' versus the 'might of the ACC' fails to contribute anything practical or intelligent to a complex issue.The real battle is waged daily in bedrooms and family rooms across all strata of Australian society (yes, even in the bush!), the combatants hopefully armed with love, support and genuine care. The 'pushers' are a figment of society's imagination, perpetuated by fools in politics for editorial content. Drugs are demand pull, not supply fed. Focus on that. It runs a lot deeper than Julian McGauran can handle."
Whoa huh? Don't get him grumpy- he'll eat you. Still the
slightly angry young man even as he approaches the 3-Oh!
NGV of Victoria
On yer Bike

For those who don't know it- I am rather in love with my 2002 Triumph Speed Triple motorcycle. It's in the colour known as "Nuclear Red", but I know it's pink- even 4 yr old niece called it "lipstick colour"
The Bike
I have entered it in the Australian MotoGP show and shine comp- winners get a lap of the Island on GP day and a free pit pass for finalists. Hard to say if it will even get an entry- hope so!!
Darren C has been a legend by getting me and Waysel accommodation in Cowes for the three days (2 nights) of the GP. Got me a troy Bayliss vest ready- go the Ducati!!
Am really hoping that troy Bayliss can put up a big fight on what is almost a home ground (he is from NSW..) advantage. he's been able to mix it with the big boys most of the season and look set to continue that.
Plus... and according to those in the know he is
soooooo good looking.(?!)
Me Waysel
Me Waysel (as my beloved will be known on this site) is doing night shift all week, so is gwumpy. No reason to post this- but I think it might make her gwumpier...
no I guess this won't help. ehh... gwumpy?
MotoGP Australia
MotoGP world site
Troy Bayliss - Aussie Ducati MotoGP rider